Reviewer |
Date |
Chapter |
Type |
Robin Gurl's INSANE |
2002-08-05 |
20 |
Signed |
Hey girly!! ^_^ Sorry I haven't been reviewing ur story!! I feel so bad now. *sighs*...oh well..I'm reviewing now and that is all that matters right!?!?! hee Hee Love ya (Dearly not Queerly) Robin Girl Oh great chapter BTW...^_^ |
Sarah Lucey (FoolOnTHeHill42@aol.com) |
2002-07-16 |
20 |
Anonymous |
Hey I'm here to review your story seeing as you keep asking for them : I reallu do like your story it's great and when you finish it I'm sure I'll like it even better! hope u get some more chapters up soon! and just cuz people don't review doesn't mean they aren't reading it |
Spiffanie Bulb |
2002-07-15 |
19 |
Anonymous |
Your story was fab, but Paul can't seem to make up his mind, can he? and i also think it has just a little too much dialouge, my head was swimmign when i tried to comprehend all their conversations! But anyways, this is a great sotry, please keep it up, i will be reading! Love ya! |
foolon the hill |
2002-04-16 |
16 |
Signed |
WOW i enjoyed this story very much ,,,,kinda creepy tho .....keep up the great work im looking for 17 =o) |
Gurl Wonder (Robin0126@aol.com) |
2002-04-01 |
14 |
Anonymous |
GET RID OF JANE. PAUL DO IT. SHE'S A SNOB. I like ur accent. ^_^ It's cute.
Better Chapter girl. Just keep trying to pull the plot out. Cya Gurl Wonder |
Robin Gurl's INSANE |
2002-03-24 |
13 |
Signed |
Kay..um girly..I don't wanna hurt ur feelings and I really hate saying this but where the heck is the plot. 0_0; Am I just tired or is it not there at all?!?! I am lost. Wot is the point. It's sort of lost it's potiental. I'm not trying to put u down. But I really have gotten bored with reading this one. It's lost just about everything it had in the beginning... I'm sorry to say that. *hugs her* But I am telling you this as a friend so that maybe you can fix it before some jerk comes and tells u off. I'd rather I do it instead of some one else who u don't know as well... if ya still like me as a friend (After reading this review) then email me. Cause I am still ur friend. *gives peace sign* Promise. Cya Gurl Wonder |
Gurl Wonder (Robin0126@aol.com) |
2002-02-24 |
11 |
Anonymous |
*almost falls alseep* Uh...oi..I'm sorry girly.. I am just too tired to write a really long one. But that was a good chapter. ^.- Sorry I'm to tired to show it but I really liked it. G2G Gurl Wonder
*falls out of her chair and hits the floor snoozing* |
Gurl Wonder (Robin0126@aol.com) |
2002-02-15 |
10 |
Anonymous |
^_^ I like this story. Like I said I feel kinda bad for "losing" the story. ^^; But now I found it and I am getting caught up. I love the bet. And the remark about John's ego being the size of the london zoo. That was funny but so true. And remember "No one can make you feel inferior with out your consent." Elenor Rosovellte (sp? -.-;) So don't worry about the idiotic reviews that you get. Because your story is great and if people can't see that it's not your fault. It's theres. Cya Gurl Wonder [If bad reviews stopped me I should have stop writing Beatle stories awhile ago. Hehe...] |
Gurl Wonder (Robin0126@aol.com) |
2002-02-15 |
9 |
Anonymous |
I like this story. Sorry I haven't exactly been reviewing. Now I can add you to my fav authors so I won't lose the story again..which is why I haven't been revewing. ^^; Kay Cya in Email |
Keith Moon in Drag |
2002-02-01 |
4 |
Anonymous |
Bit of a mix up. My e-mail is actually keithmoonindrag@hotmail.com Not the aformentioned e-mail. Sorry. Oh yeh, why are the latest chapters so short? |
Keith Moon in Drag (KeithMoonInDrag@hotmail.com) |
2002-02-01 |
9 |
Anonymous |
Well, you need to check the grammar and punctuation. It's also a, well, weird story. You leave it so long between updates, that most of the readers forget what happens. It's not as if it's even a great story. I have read many better fanfics. It's odd, uninteresting, and quite frankly, well, the characterization is... I do not think Paul would act that helpless. I mean, come on. And the blatent, well, no-one could be as perfect as his saviour, very unbelievable. No offence, I don't like it. Now don't e-mail me back, saying I flamed you, because I gave you a reasonable reason to dislike it. If you think it was unsuitable, please e-mail me back and tell me why. Keith Moon in Drag |
2002-01-21 |
8 |
Signed |
This story is really good; a little confusing at times; but good!
Update soon!
Peace Love and Harmony |
Tigger Girl |
2001-12-18 |
6 |
Signed |
Well, it sounds really, really good so far! Yeah, you do have some proofreading errors, but they really don't take away from the story too much. |
Gurl Wonder (Robin0126@aol.com) |
2001-12-05 |
6 |
Anonymous |
Awww *pouts* you wouldn't finish it....meanie.....Hurry up and update please...patient Paul fan waiting and waiting...*nothing happens*....(-.-;;) Geez..slow aren't we?!!? J/K See ya in Email Gurl Wonder |
Gurl Wonder (Robin0126@aol.com) |
2001-11-22 |
5 |
Anonymous |
Hey hey it's me!! I like I like update more... Email me when ya get it. ^-^ I love update update...wait I've said that already...oh well..I'll say it again. UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE. There I think I've said it enough. Ta and Ja Gurl Wonder ::Peace Love Beatles:: |
Reviewer |
Date |
Chapter |
Type |
Gurl Wonder (Robin0126@aol.com) |
2001-11-12 |
4 |
Anonymous |
Come on Come on!!!!! Update more!!!! *begs on hands and knees* Please... Oh yeah you can read my fanfiction. My Author name is Gurl Wonder. You were on me favorite Author list..that was untill ff.net got messed up. ;.; So I had to search for your story...took me forever. But I finally found it and was glad that you had updated, I love your story. |
Rachael Starkey |
2001-10-08 |
3 |
Signed |
I am really sorry about what I'm gonna say, but I have to anyway... That was the most boring piece of Beatles smeg I have ever read, I hope you don't spend hours and times writing this sort of junk. I wasted my time reading this. So, so sorry about that! Peace, love and Ringo Starr! Rachel Bernadette Starkey! |
Robin Gurl's INSANE |
2001-10-08 |
3 |
Signed |
I luv this story please post more!!!! Ja! |
Robin Gurl's INSANE |
2001-09-24 |
2 |
Signed |
Finish this story!! Please!!! I luv it!!! Paul Roxz!! |
//o-o\\ |
2001-09-16 |
1 |
Anonymous |
you need a lesson on grammar and mechanics before you should do anymore writing |
Sarah (Pisces@midmaine.com) |
2001-09-12 |
2 |
Anonymous |
I am really enjoying this story. I love stories that have one of the Beatles as the narrator! I think you should know that chapters 3, 4, and 5 are not there. I look forward to reading more. |
LittleStar014 (too lazy, I never sign in) |
2001-09-07 |
1 |
Anonymous |
That was pretty good. A little confusing to read sometimes... you might want to work on your punctuation. Quotation marks, commas, all that good stuff. Also, you started out in the present tense and ended in the past tense. You might want to clean that stuff up so the story flows better. But don't get me wrong, it's got a lot of potential! One more thing - you said that no one has stories told from the Beatles POV. I have one on this site! It's called "Trapped". Heh, sorry for the blatant self promotion. Nice story! |
Nightengale |
2001-09-07 |
1 |
Anonymous |
Ok, i like the story line and esspecially his bad morning, hehehe that was good but you need to pay a bit more attetion to your grammar, there were spots where you were missing words or, for example, you put mourning insteed of morning. Also there was a bried point where you changed from I to he, you may also want to work a little on the liverpool speak. Besides that it was a grand old tale! It was quite enjoyable! |
Laura Daly (LaurDaly@cs.com) |
2001-09-04 |
1 |
Anonymous |
That is a very interesting story. |